Our Projects

Main Projects

ANT-Hiroshima believes Hiroshima’s mission consists of five parts.

  1. Conveying Hiroshima's experience of the atomic bombing
  2. Abolishing nuclear weapons
  3. Peace-building and international cooperation
  4. Peace culture and peace education
  5. Nurturing peacemakers

To help fulfill Hiroshima’s mission, our work is aligned with these five efforts. Click on the icons below the five categories to learn more about ANT-Hiroshima’s various activities.

Conveying Hiroshima's experience of the atomic bombing

Testimonies of A-Bomb Survivors
Handing Down Hiroshima's Experience
Legacy of A-bombed Tree

Abolishing nuclear weapons

Efforts for Nuclear Abolition

Peace-building and international cooperation

Peacebuilding activities
Inviting Peace Workers to Hiroshima
Health Care in Pakistan
Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief

Peace culture and peace education

Picture Books about Sadako Sasaki
Peace Education Activities

Nurturing peacemakers

ANT Scholarship
ANT Friends

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